Note: The seat mountings were changed by the manufacturer in 2016 and require holes to be drilled for the rear seat edge for those mounting bolts. Longer spacers and seat bolts may be required based on the generation of your Go-Quad (see part numbers below).
Applications: 6"SRT
* GQ = Go-Quad
* SGQ = Super Go-Quad
* GQ25 = Go-Quad 25
* SGQ30 = Super Go-Quad 30
* TRQ46 = Trail Ripper Quad
* Sacco Cart (Cushions Only) see Sacco Pricing for Cushions
* NEW Seat (Does NOT work with older style Quads)
* 1 per Quad
* 6"SRT = 6" Solid Rubber Tire products
* Seat modification date 8/18/2005
* Grey shell w/charcoal cushion
* Fold-able
(2) SGQ spacers (#212130070)
(2) SGQ seat bolt (#131130064)
(2) Washer (#5017B)
(2) Nut (#KN1009)