The next generation of Go-Quads
GoPed is proud to extend its very successful and well proven Micro Kart line of products by the exciting addition of the Super Go-Quad
A Live Axle Go-Quad
The most important improvement in the Go-Quad was for Go-Ped to leave the traditional one wheel drive design by going to a shifter cart inspired live rear axle, making the Go-Quad two-wheel-drive and two-wheel-braking . Unlike all prior Go-Quad models, the Go-Quad offers 100% of pure equal turning in both directions and puts an end to pulling towards one direction under braking.
This major enhancement provides users with the most perfect handling capabilities. It gives them safe and absolute control while also achieving much faster track time.
The chain driven/centrifugal clutch on the Go-Quad comes standard. It is set at a slightly lower gear ratio than the previous models to provide for the best acceleration off the line and out of corners.